A not-for-profit membership organization committed to excellence and equity in education. Our mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity.
This is a Free Scholarship Searches page. You will find links to more than 50 free, online scholarship search sites listing thousands of scholarships and financial aid awards worth billions of dollars. Just visit the sites which seem most appropriate for you and find the scholarships for which you are a good match. Most of the online scholarship search sites include scholarships that can be used by students enrolled in traditional college programs or by students earning online degrees. REMEMBER THAT YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY TO APPLY FOR A SCHOLARSHIP!
Fastweb is the premier online resource for paying and preparing for college.
FinAid was established in the fall of 1994 as a public service. This award-winning site has grown into the most comprehensive source of student financial aid information, advice and tools -- on or off the web.
This Scholarship Search tool is a service provided by the Montana University System. Deadlines, eligibility and other criteria may change often and without notice. Please check with the organizations directly for the most up-to-date and accurate information. See the home page for the Montana University System for other important information on the university system.
Based in Helena, Montana, Student Assistance Foundation is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing students with the knowledge and tools to pursue and fund their postsecondary education.